
Theme Switcher

Tailwind Variants

Additional Tailwind variants added by our Tailwind preset.

.firefox:Apply a class to Firefox browsers.
.pointer-coarse:Apply a class only when the user’s cursor is coarse. This generally means touch devices.
.pointer-fine:Apply a class only when the user’s cursor is fine. This applies to most mice and trackpads.
.pointer-none:Apply a class if the device has no primary pointer.
.hover-hover:Apply a class if hover is supported.
.hover-none:Apply a class if hover is unsupported
.high-contrast:Apply a class if high contrast theming is enabled.
.dark-high-contrast:Apply a class if high contrast and dark themes are applied.
  • firefox:
  • pointer-coarse:
  • pointer-fine:
  • pointer-none:
  • hover-hover:
  • hover-none:
  • dark-high-contrast:
  • high-contrast: